Book of daniel chapter 11 commentary piece

Some may question whether any more are needed, but there are good reasons why daniels last prophecy merits renewed exploration. According to the expositors bible commentary, the third year of cyrus was 535534. Verses 2330 trace the rise of the religiopolitical church of rome and its politicalmilitary. This was the moment of daniel understanding the scripture writing of truth dan. Daniel 11 commentary commentary critical and explanatory. Daniel 11 bible commentary matthew henry concise christianity. A verse by verse commentary on the bible book of daniel. Chapters 10, 11 and 12 in the book of daniel make up daniel s final vision, describing a series of conflicts between the unnamed king of the north and king of the south leading to the time of the end, when israel will be vindicated and the dead raised to shame or glory the book of daniel was written in reaction to the persecution of the jews by the greek king antiochus iv. We saw last time that an angel was sent to daniel to bring him an important prophetic message, yet it took 21 days to reach daniel because of conflict in the angelic realm. Daniel 11 commentary, one of over 110 bible commentaries freely available, this commentary, by the leading authority in the church of christ, presents a verse level look at the bible. Each sentence condenses quantities of information, and many metaphors are employed. Daniel, as many other authors of the antiquity and the bible, writes of himself in the third person throughout the first part of the book.

Xerxes i 486465 bc ruled during the peak of the persian empire and sacked athens. Verses 2127 and in his place shall stand up a contemptible person, to whom they had not given the honor of the kingdom. It is the usual method of the holy spirit to make the latter prophecies explanatory of the former. Daniel 11 explained condensed commentary daniel 11 truth. Daniel 11 commentary, one of over 110 bible commentaries freely available, this. Moreover, the vision of the son of man is the centerpiece of ot revelation concerning the messiah. They focus in particular on the pressure two nations would place on israel, but the twelfth chapter of daniel assures that israel will be delivered in that final day daniel s final vision begins with a date formula, just as it also appeared in 1. Study the bible online using commentary on daniel 11 and more. Just the same, its language is cryptic, almost like a code. This introduction is quite extensiveall of chapter 10. We saw in chapter ten that this vision was given to daniel in the third year of.

Daniel 11 antiochus and antichrist revisited introduction 1. The aramaic section of daniel begins in chapter 2 with nebuchadnezzars dream of the colossus and ends at the end of. David guzik commentary on daniel 11, which contains one of the most specifically fulfilled. This will fail, and there will be a great battle that will not change the balance of power. Even the best commentaries on daniel 11 tend to become so bogged down in grecoroman history that they lose sight of the history of gods people. The angel in daniel 10 confirms king darius chapter outline top. This chapter contains one of the most specifically fulfilled prophecies of the bible, predicting history over some 375 years, and to the end, with amazing accuracy.

The prophecy of daniel 11 includes amazing details about great empires, political developments and endtime powers that would affect the jewish people. Study guide for daniel 11 by david guzik blue letter bible. The angel gabriel, in this chapter, performs his promise made to daniel in the. Behold, there shall stand up yet three kings in persia according to the canon, there were nine kings of the persian empire from cyrus to. The angel tells daniel that the new king of the north the vile person of daniel 11. Newton, who is ever judicious and instructing, remarks. Daniel overview james burton coffman commentaries on the. Daniel 2 new international version niv nebuchadnezzars dream. Here, the angel indicates that he provided strength and confirmation to king darius the mede during his first. First, the fourth king of persia xerxes will stir up the king of greece alexander the great. Chapter 10 focuses on our lord, as revealed to daniel in his vision verses 56.

The last two chapters 11 and 12 are the last recorded communications with daniel. The angel give assurance and comfort to daniel in daniel 10, after the angel had received aid from the angel michael. Daniel chapter 11 part 1 the kings of the north and the south pastor tom luitwieler 11 292015. Chapter 10 serves as the introduction, chapter 11 supplies the major content of the revelation, and chapter 12 sums up and concludes the prophecy. In fact, the first thirtyfive verses, and even the whole chapter, chronicles for us the reign of rebellion upon the earth the time that man kicks against the. And now i will show thee the truth now i will show thee future things plainly, not enigmatically, or under symbolical representations. Remember that in chapter ten, god revealed to daniel what would befall his people in the latter end. Daniel 11 god of jewish destiny free bible commentary. From antiochus the account seems to pass to antichrist.

There was peace for a time because of this marriage, but it was upset when ptolemy ii died. The book of daniel lesson 10 chap 10, 11, 12 by walter c. The agreement was a proposed peace treaty that called for antiochus ii to marry. In the first year of darius the mede this is a continuation of the preceding discourse. Antiochus iv took the title epiphanes, meaning illustrious. Since the days of william miller 17821849, many fine commentaries on the book of daniel have appeared. Also, it was the only chapter in the bible that was sealed until the time of the end. Jehoiakim came to the throne at the end of the year, which jeremiah reckons as the first year, but which daniel leaves out of count, being an incomplete year. Also, it was the only chapter in the bible that was sealed until the time of. Anyway the vile one is coming and people have been taught that satan comes with a loaded gun and a mean army.

Index of links to open commentaries on the individual chapters of the book of daniel. Daniel chapter 11 david guziks commentaries on the. Reference seems to be made to the roman empire, the fourth monarchy, in its pagan, early christian, and papal states. In their day, men such as william miller, uriah smith and. Daniel 11 commentary matthew henry commentary on the.

This chapter relates the beginning of daniel s last vision, which is continued to the end of the book. Making sense of daniel 11 illiam barclay once said that the study of the book of revelation either finds or leaves a man mad. The year reign of jesus starts after armageddon so daniel 12 couldnt possibility follow daniel 11. Judea was between their dominions, and affected by their contests. The last three chapters of daniel 1012 form one final vision and the most complete revelation daniel received. These qualities have led to a variety of interpretations.

Daniel 11 commentary james burton coffman commentaries. Daniel 2 niv nebuchadnezzars dream in the bible gateway. Daniel 11 commentary ironsides notes on selected books. When they came in and stood before the king, 3 he said to them, i have had a dream. Josephus, antiquities of the jews, book xi, chapter 8. We know without a shadow of doubt that daniel was written before about 330 bc because josephus in antiquities of the jews 11. Book of daniel chapter 11 bible study a tale of three madmen. The prophecy of daniel 11 includes amazing details about great empires, political. Correct daniel 11 commentary with no gaps continuous timeline. Book of daniel bible study chapter 11 a tale of three madmen.

Daniel 11 ellicotts commentary for english readers bible hub. Verse 22 predicts the death of christ under imperial rome at the heart of the chapter. D records that when alexander the great approached jerusalem, the high priest jaddua met him and showed alexander part of the book of daniel where the greeks would overcome the persians. Satan comes disguised as a messiah, acts like god, says he is and. The angel gabriel, in this chapter, performs his promise made to daniel in the foregoing chapter, that he would show him what should befal his people in the latter days, according to that which was written in the scriptures of truth. Antiochus theos who arranged a treaty of peace with ptolemy philadelphus. The introduction to the prophecy of daniel 11 is given in the preceding chapter. Strengthened by his riches, he shall stir up all kingdoms, even that of greece. Free bible commentaries on daniel and the revelation, ezra, amos, isaiah.

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